Pakistan in Media

Opinionated Media Coverage

Police recklessness

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Dawn, Pakistan
Friday, 12 Jun, 2009

DEATH is always unsettling. But it hurts more when it comes suddenly and that too at the hands of those who are supposed to protect life and property. It was this grievance that made the family and friends of a man who the Lahore police killed on Wednesday so enraged that they blocked roads and surrounded a local police station for hours. The circumstances that led to the death they were protesting are unclear. The dead man’s relatives say the police killed him without warning as he was driving to the police station in a car that had earlier hit his motorcycle. The police claim the owner of the car complained that someone was taking his car away; they cautioned the alleged car-snatcher to stop but he did not so they had no choice but to fire at him. One thing the two versions have in common is that it was a police bullet that killed the man.

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