Pakistan in Media

Opinionated Media Coverage

Hizb-ut-Tahrir Plans Bloodless Coup and Caliphate in Pakistan

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The News International, Pakistan, Monday, July 06, 2009
LONDON: A UK-based fundamentalist group has hatched a plot to overthrow Pakistan’s government through a “bloodless coup” and establish a “caliphate” in which Islamic laws will be rigorously enforced, a media report said.

Followers of the Hizb-ut-Tahrir, which is banned in Pakistan, aim for a “bloodless military coup” and creation of the caliphate in Islamabad, The Sunday Times reported. Members of the group, which describes itself as “the Liberation Party in Britain”, claim they had targeted the UK as a base from which to spread Islamic rule across the world. The report said a dozen British Hizb-ut-Tahrir activists are currently based in Lahore and Karachi, or keep travelling between the UK and Pakistan, and there are many more.

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posted @ 9:14 AM,


At July 7, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Blogger PIND said...

Please do not get alarmed. Islam is a way of life. The course has been set by the Creator himself. There should be no denial that the Holy Qura^n illustrates all the ills in society for which all the reformers came to set the society on the right track. We must examine the present world set up in that context and find for our ownselves as to what is wrong and what is right.

We have been talking of democracy, good governance and rule of law. Does any judge, judge a case from his own good judgement. He considers the witnesses, precedences and arguments under laws made by men that vary with times. Gods laws are eternal and consistent.

Take case of social ills. HIV/AIDs. There is no cure and the reason is un-natural human behaviour. Relationship of genders and incorrigible. The only remedy is elimination of the cause. Sympathy for one is enimity for the whole race.

More could be said. But my advice is to think and ponder.


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