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New Concept of War

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War weaponry that might have started with one to one use of force and hurling of stones on adversaries have changed into attacks by precession guided and capable of mass destructions warheads launched across long distances through independently target able re-entry vehicles, camera fitted smart bombs or even nuclear warheads.

Soldiers in today's conventional armies are already making use of computer chips; global positioning systems, range finders, meteorological measuring and sophisticated fire control systems. What is more, "microwave cannons, plasma guns, sensing devices and even mechanical bugs that can swarm and explode around the enemy, body heat powered combat dresses and digital helmets are turning up" reads Defence Journal's report, which is making it difficult to draw a line between conventional and cyber wars. But this is not about how computer chips are serving soldiers in battlefields. It is about how computers and the Internet have become a new weapon in the military's arsenal that need not mobilize the physical forces; virtual battlefield, virtual warfare but no less seismic in any sense as far as their potentials to inflict casualties and loses are concerned. Read about new concept of war at Logic is Variable.

posted @ 8:50 PM,


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