A cobweb of myths ( Prevelant in Pakistan)
Friday, May 15, 2009
Dr Tariq Rahman
Thursday, 14 May, 2009
NOW that a military operation is going on in the Malakand Division it is imperative that it should be supported by the people and that the IDPs should be looked after with all resources at hand and be treated with compassion and respect.
Unfortunately, we have many myths and conspiracy theories which prevent clear thinking and that need to be debunked.
Myth 1: America wants our nuclear weapons and is destabilising Pakistan through the Taliban.
Myth 2: Nothing gets done in Pakistan unless America wants it to happen.
Myth 3: The Taliban want Islam in the country but their approach is wrong.
Myth 4: If Nato forces withdraw from Afghanistan there will be peace.
Myth 5: Islamic militancy is created by poverty and ignorance.
If we understand these and other myths and realise that we have created our own Frankensteins and not foreign countries; that most of the militants are our people and not foreigners (though some are); that foreign countries may help militants but are not powerful enough to keep them alive for ever; that we made mistakes in the past of which we are reaping the harvest — then we can still make Pakistan safe for our children.
Labels: Al Qaeda, Islamization, Osama Bin Laden, Pakistan, Taliban, Terrorism
posted @ 12:47 PM,
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