Pakistan in Media

Opinionated Media Coverage

Take long view of Pakistan

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U.S. would benefit from sustainable ties
Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle
May 15, 2009

With the latest headlines in the news, it would be understandable for Houstonians and Americans to view the nation of Pakistan as a religiously conservative, poverty-stricken theocracy just waiting to happen — merely counting down the days until being overrun by the recent Taliban movement. Indeed, Pakistan is a nation founded as an Islamic nation, one where 74 percent of the population lives on less than $2 a day, and whose leading industries are in the agricultural and textile sectors.

But it’s important to understand another view of Pakistan. One that deserves some renewed emphasis in order to get a clearer understanding of how a nation of more than 165 million people — seven times the population of Texas — desires to work hand-in-hand with the industrialized world as a global partner.

This other Pakistan is a modern industrial hub with rapid growth in industrial chemicals and automotive industries, one with a military that has assisted the United States in defeating the Soviet Union. It is a modern secular society with a still nascent democracy and struggling with modernity even after having first elected a woman prime minister two decades ago.

For the interests of U.S. policy toward Pakistan, our focus should not be on playing one version against the other but engaging across the board with mutual dialogue and mutual respect. To be sure, there are groups that will refuse such overtures, but that vocal minority should not drown out the vast number of Americans and Pakistanis who seek, participate and prosper from such engagement. It is important to realize that even in the hot spots of the recent Taliban uprising, the successes seen by the Taliban have not come as a result of popular support, but rather from intimidation and brute force. Even in these areas, there is reason for hope, as long as we continue to help the Pakistan government improve both their internal security structures as well as the basic skills of governance.

Initiatives aimed at engagement that have taken root from the local level are numerous, even here in Houston. The national airlines, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), sought approval of direct flights from Houston to Karachi. The mayor of Karachi recently visited Houston and signed a sister city relationship with Houston Mayor Bill White. More outreach efforts such as these must be sought out in the years to come.

On a broader level, if U.S. and Pakistan relations are to mutually succeed, American policymakers need to take the long view. We must facilitate — and sometimes even fund — the building blocks of sustainable economic and democratic systems. From the vantage point of Washington, the recent support of aid to Pakistan is a worthwhile investment in improving the resources that will improve stability. But it is equally important that outside of Washington, we realize that there are no quick fixes for the challenges in front of what should ultimately be an important ally. The challenges of poverty, education and job skills aren’t easily altered in a matter of days, weeks, months or even years. The hurdles Pakistan faces will take generations to diminish. But the payoff is within reach and the benefits of a sustainable partnership are numerous for Americans.

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