Pakistan in Media

Opinionated Media Coverage

Rhetoric & reality

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The News International, Pakistan
Friday, June 05, 2009

None can deny that President Obama is a rhetorician the like of which America has not seen for decades. Both Clinton and Kennedy would find him hard to match for sheer eloquence and elegant phraseology - that on the surface is free of ambiguity. His address to the Al Azhar University in Cairo on Thursday was a model of its kind, and was received by an audience who at some points cheered and clapped not unlike those who attended the election rallies that eventually put President Obama where he is today. He knows how to work an audience and from the outset his speech was littered with 'applause points' and phrases that were crafted with tomorrow's headlines in mind.

Cynicism aside, President Obama was in Cairo to mend fences with the Muslim world, sorely battered after years of willful neglect. He made several references to the Holy Koran and called for inter - and intra - faith harmony, making the point that the Muslim world needs to mend a few fences of its own. He said… "I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect" …which was nothing less than you would expect, but there was more to it than a little international grooming.

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posted @ 7:52 PM,


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